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Metro Homeschool Robotics Inc. Is a 501c3 Non Profit. We rely on the generosity of sponsors to support our mission to teach students about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) by competing in FIRST Robotics Competition.

Competing in Robotics offers a wide range of skills. This is great because the students will be exposed to many different aspects of STEM. We pride ourselves on letting the students decide which section of the robot design process they want to get involved in. We have found that this gets them more motivated to learn and grow in their preferred area. The exposure also allows them to float between sub teams if they are not sure where they want to specialize.

With that being said, providing the space and materials for this environment would not be possible by ourselves. This is where you come in. Support is vital for our survival and reaching more students, giving them the opportunity to grow in their knowledge.

So you might be thinking this sounds like an amazing program! How can I help?

There are a few ways. The First is spreading the word about us. The more people that know about us the more students we can reach and be a beneficial impact on their lives.

Second is monetary donations. Attached below is our sponsorship levels and a Paypal donation link. Any amount helps.

Third is your time. Are you in a STEM field? We would love to learn from the knowledge you have. If you are local to the Kansas City, Missouri area you can stop by our shop. If you are not local or can’t make the commitment to come to our shop we have remote video call and messaging options where we can schedule meetings and discuss the topics we have questions on. Fill out the contact form below if this is something you would like to get involved in.

We would like to say thank you for taking the time to read about who we are and what we do.

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